強度としての「第3ソナタ」――ネオ・バロック試論/“Third Sonata” as Intensity: a Perspective on Neo-Baroque






[Research Presentation]

“Third Sonata” as Intensity: a Perspective on Neo-Baroque
Presentation: F. Atsumi (Art-Phil)

Gilles Deleuze refers to the music of Pierre Boulez as a musical model that develops asymmetrical relations between stratified/smoothed space in "Thousand Plateaus" and a representation of the baroque in its extended art history in "Fold". Deleuze's philosophy encounters Boulez's composition techniques in poetic images such as "thrown dice," "Book" and "fold" that Stephane Mallarme elaborated.
Through overviewing the acceptance of Mallarme 's poetic images by Deleuze and Boulez, and reviewing Deleuze’s “Difference and Repetition” and “Fold” in terms of the terminology of “fold (pli),” the composition work “Third Sonata” is analyzed on the basis of “On Music Today” as the process of becoming in the subject / work. By contrasting Deleuze's philosophy with Boulez's composition technique, a perspective is presented to criticize the theory of individualization of subject/work in Deleuzian philosophy as "Rhetoric of Fold".

・30th DG-Lab Study Group
・November 30 (Sat), 2019 (14:00 to 19:00)
・Nagaokakyo Lifelong Learning Center, 6th floor ・ Conference room 3

