寄稿・協力のお知らせ/A Contribution and a Cooperation


住所:東京都港区白金台3丁目2番地(目黒通り沿い)ZAP Gallery B

A contribution "Blue, People, and You ―― A Painting between the Jouissance and the Nirvana" by an editor of "Repli" for Hormone Sekine "Love and Relief." A cooperation by Art-Phil for "The Magic Piper Found in Ishinomaki"(Ryts Monet/Hormone Sekine)

>Hormone Sekine "Love and Relief"
Date: 17(Fri) - 26(Sun).MAY.2013 (No Holiday)
Opening Time : 12:00~19:00
Address: ZAP Gallery B, 3-2, Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to
Opening Party : 17th MAY 17:30~20:00 Free