トークイベント参加のお知らせ/Participation in Talk Event


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クロージングトーク 「〈まつりごと〉を上演する――幽霊と、祝祭の政治学
 祭事、あるいは政事。人類が科学の力によって近代的な世界観をつくるまで、公人が司る祭祀と政治は分けて考えることができないものだった。『歴代町長に現町長を表敬訪問してもらう』のなかで、公人、霊媒師、演出される幽霊との対面/対話をめぐる出来事が私たちに示唆するテーマとは、客観的に記述された歴史と超俗的な力によって上演される歴史の衝突と混融といえるかもしれない。摩訶不思議な魔法劇(Zauberposse)のように立ち現れる本作品は、どのようにリサーチされ、制作され、発表され、鑑賞されたのだろうか? あるいは本作品にとって、アーティストと現地の人々が対面/対話しながらつくる地域アート・プロジェクトの可能性とはどのようなものだったのだろうか?

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Participation in a talk event of Yoshinori Niwa's solo exhibition “Paying a Courtesy Call on the Incumbent Mayor by all His Predecessors in History,” Setouchi Triennale 2016 (Setouchi Art Festival) 2016.
Date: 15:00-17:30, September 3 (Sat), 2016
Place: Miyanoura Gallery 6 (Naoshima-cho, Kagawa-gun)
Guest: Yoshinori Niwa (artist), Kishii Daisuke (playwriter), F. Atsumi (Art-Phil)

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Closing Talk Event “Performing ‘Rite’ ― Politics of Festival, featuring Specters”
  Rite and politics that public figure administrates were not separated before the modernized world view human beings built by their force of science. In “Paying a Courtesy Call on the Incumbent Mayor by all His Predecessors in History,”the event over the encounters and dialogues among a public figure, mystics, and arrangement of specters might implicate collision and merge of the histories that were written objectively and the ones performed by the transcendent force. How has the art work that appears like Magic Farce (Zauberposse) been researched, produced, presented and observed? Or what has been the potentialities of the community art project that artist produces through encounters and dialogues with local people?
  Inviting Daisuke Kishii (playwriter) organizing workshops and lectures of theatrical pieces “materializing human group” through his wandering over the country, and F. Atsumi (editor / critique) from Art-Phil that published “Historically Historic Historical History of Communism,” a monograph of Communism series by Yoshinori Niwa, the event tries to see multiple aspects of rite / politics of the art work and the community art project, and develop more the festival and politics of the community art project. What does Yoshinori Niwa questions us that now begins to intervene in the public, featuring specters?

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